Inter Services Selection Board ISSB Jobs 2023

Inter Services Selection Board ISSB Jobs 2023

Inter Services Selection Board has announced Watchman, Security Jobs, Etc in Express Newspaper Dated 23-06-2023. The required qualifications are a Middle, matric Etc. 

ISSB Jobs 2023 in Pakistan

The Inter Services Selection Board (ISSB is a selection committee of the Pakistani Armed Forces that assesses and selects candidates for officer commissions in the Army, Navy, and Air Force. It is located in Pakistan.

ISSB conducts a rigorous selection process to evaluate candidates’ mental, physical, and leadership qualities. The selection process consists of various tests, including intelligence tests, psychological tests, interviews, and physical tests. The tests are designed to assess the candidate’s suitability for a career in the military and their potential as a leader.Inter Services Selection Board

The ISSB Kohat is one of several ISSB centers in Pakistan, and it is responsible for conducting tests and interviews for candidates from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan regions. The selection process is highly competitive, and only a small percentage of candidates who appear for the tests are selected for officer commissions.

ISSB Kohat has a highly qualified team of psychologists, assessors, and trainers who conduct the selection process. The board also provides feedback and guidance to candidates to help them improve their skills and abilities.

Overall, ISSB Kohat plays a critical role in selecting and shaping the future leadership of the Pakistani Armed Forces. Its rigorous selection process ensures that only the best candidates are selected for officer commissions, which is essential for maintaining the high standards of professionalism and excellence in the Pakistani Armed Forces.


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Inter Services Selection Board ISSB Jobs 2023

How To Apply for ISSB Jobs Online Apply 2023.

Latest Government sector & Public sector jobs in the Inter Services Selection Board Kohat Pakistan.

  1. Interested Candidates should send their applications along with testimonials (all attested copies) to the following address.
  2. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for a test/interview.
  3. No TA/DA will be admissible.
  4. Last date to apply for ISSB Jobs is 07th July 2023.
The Last date for submission of the application is 07-07-2023.

All Pakistan Latest Jobs Updates

“The ( is updated on daily basis and shared many Latest Govt and Privates Jobs. You can visit our website for All Latest Jobs in Pakistan. The visiter can follow us on all social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram, Pinterest. Thanks for visiting our website.”

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