KEMU Lahore Jobs has been announced in Express Newspaper Dated 31-08-2023. The King Edward Medical University is inviting interested candidates for the following positions:-
KMU Lahore Career Opportunities
Sr. No | Post Name |
1. | Professor of Medical Education |
2. | Assistant Professor Biochemistry |
3. | Additional Director IT |
4. | Deputy Director HR |
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How To Apply on King Edward Medical University Jobs/Career Opportunities.
Latest Government sector & Public sector jobs in the King Edward Medical University Lahore Pakistan.
- Applicants having Punjab Domicile are required to submit application/dossiers on the prescribed Proforma available at the University website i.e. along with attested copies of documents, degree, certificates, CNIC, domicile and fresh passport size colored photographs.
- Application Proforma should be filled and submit in the University office (Room No.01), KEMU along with a bank draft/pay order of RS. 2000/- Sr. No. (01) & Sr. No. (2) RS. 1500/- In the favor of Vice Chancellor.
- PMDC recognition certificate of experience (showing the eligibility) must be attached with documents. CHEMU, Lahore.
- .The Last date for submission of application forms to the KEMU Lahore Jobs is 14-09-2023.
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