High Court Jobs has been announced in Express Newspaper Dated 31-08-2023. BOR Board of Revenue is inviting interested candidates for the following positions:-
Latest Vacancies Details of Islamabad High Court Jobs 2023
Sr. No | Post Name | Qualification | No of Seats |
1. | Personal Assistant (BPS-18) | BA/ B.Sc./ B.Com | 12 |
2. | Law Clerk | Law Degree | 07 |
3. | Lift Operator (BPS-06) | Matric | 05 |
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How To Apply for LHC Jobs 2023.
Latest Government sector & Public sector jobs in the Islamabad High Court Pakistan.
- For Sr. No. 01 & 3: Applications on plain paper along with detailed CV, attested copies of testimonials, 2 attested photographs, domicile, experience certificates, etc. should reach the office of the undersigned on or before the last date.
- For Sr. No. 02: Appointment against the position of “Law Clerk” is on CONTRACT BASIS for one year.
- The Law Clerks will be required to primarily conduct legal and academic research.
- The Application form and detailed Terms of Reference (TORs) may be obtained from the office of Deputy Registrar (Admn.), Islamabad High Court, G-5, Islamabad OR it may be downloaded from the Islamabad High Court’s official website www.ihc.gov.pk.
- The applications complete in all respects, in typed form, must be submitted by hand or sent through registered post/courier service or e-mail at [registrar@ihc.gov.pk] and addressed to the Deputy Registrar (Admn.), Islamabad High Court, Constitutional Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad.
- The Last date for submission of application forms to the High Court Jobs is 16-09-2023.
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